With our Pipedrive promo code you can extend your Pipedrive demo for 15 more days. In total you will have 30 days. We can also extend your demo if needed. We can also answer your questions with our team.
Pipedrive is the CRM tool created by salespeople for salespeople that helps you manage your sales process, customers and prospects in a simple, fast and efficient way.
This tool is especially vital for small and medium-sized companies, with small and intermediate teams, as it has the key tools to manage all the actions they carry out in their customer acquisition process, sales management, customer prospecting, sales prospecting, etc.
One of the great qualities that characterizes Pipedrive is its ease of use, as it is a fully customizable, intuitive, visual platform and also has more than 400 integrations such as Xero, Trello, Asana or Slack that allow all team members to continue using their favorite applications.
For this and many other reasons, IMANTA has created a promotional code pipedrive with which you can get to know this tool free of charge for 30 days. free for 30 days so you can make the right decision to integrate it into your business or company.
If you want a personalized demo, check out our Pipedrive demo options
How to use the promo code and how to extend the Pipedrive trial with Imanta.
It is a unique identifier that allows us to inform Pipedrive that your Pipedrive signup and trial comes through our site. Being a certified Pipedrive partner and affiliate attributes part of the sale to us and for this we charge a commission. The cost you pay is the same if you decide to sign up for Pipedrive. And you get improvements such as being able to extend your Pipedrive trial and get personalized services without paying more for your license. We recommend you to use it because you will gain without paying more for your licenses.
We offer you a more personalized dialogue than with Pipedrive chat. In addition to extending your demo as long as you need to evaluate it. You can also evaluate our customized demos. Companies that use our personalized demos increase Pipedrive adoption by 90%. View Pipedrive demo options
Yes, the default is 14 days. With our code it is 30 days. Plus the option to extend it for a more detailed evaluation with our demo services.
We have several resources to view a demo. Pipedrive has 100 features, so our demos are more about how to get the most out of it rather than showing you what it does (90% of modern CRMs have the same features). Contact us if you are interested in doing a custom demo or using our environments with your data to see the full potential of the tool + our processes and integrations.
Remember that if you have any problems or questions regarding Pipedrive or your free trial, you can contact us here here.