
Pipedrive integration with Clorian

Ticketing platform and its integration with Pipedrive

Clorian is a platform specialized in the integrated management of ticket sales for events, shows, museums, monuments and more. It offers a customized solution that facilitates the sale of tickets both online and in physical points of sale. Through its distribution network, which includes travel agencies and tour operators, Clorian seeks to optimize the customer experience and increase ticket sales.

In addition, Clorian provides real-time administration tools, allows the autonomous management of processes through a backoffice, and offers access control and automatic billing systems. It is present in Spain and other countries such as Mexico and France, managing large tourist and cultural sites.

Clorian does not have an App connected to Pipedrive so it is not available in the Pipedrive Marketplace. At imanta we have developed a specific connector using the Api to integrate the platform with Pipedrive.

You can see a real use case in the Clorian and Pipedrive integration success story at the client Pueblo Espanyol and the company Pleisure .



Clorian costs under budget. Pipedrive integration through the Imanta connector.
Automatización de tareas, Conexión de datos

On integration

01 Why do we like it?

At Imanta, we like Clorian because it is a flexible ticketing solution that allows to outsource the whole process and integrate the whole ticketing system with the client’s website. It also allows to incorporate distributors and the B2B channel.

For this reason Clorian has a lot of information from both the end customer and the B2B channel, whether they are OTAs (such as atrápalo) or other indirect sales channels such as tour operators. In other words, there is a lot of information that is not used or activated. Only with the limitation of the reports provided by Clorian.

We really like the integration of Pipedrive with Clorian because with our connector (which uses the API) we are able to integrate sales in real time or based on customer needs, enrich this information with external sources, deduplicate contacts so that they are not duplicated and import them into Pipedrive adding layers of value such as calculating the CLV of each customer (Customer Live Value).



02 When do we recommend it?

We recommend it 100% for all customers using Clorian as a ticketing system that do not have a CRM.

Also for those clients who use email marketing tools such as Mailchimp. We have cases of a 50% reduction in licensing costs using Pipedrive’s email marketing tool (Pipedrive Campaigns) and a 90% reduction in database management (eliminating the need to move databases or manage duplicates).

Another great feature is to be able to segment users with Pipedrive filters using fields that Pipedrive does not have such as CLV, and rich fields for neighborhood, district and province. Also customer profiling based on product groupings that are also not available in Clorian as they are grouped outside the tool (such as type of event, items purchased, etc).

Clorian integration with Pipedrive by Imanta
Clorian integration with Pipedrive by Imanta

03 Main functionalities

The integration allows:

  1. Data Unification: Consolidation and duplication of B2C and B2B customers.
  2. Data Import: Integration of clean and structured data, including users, sales history and products.
  3. Identification of Valuable Customers: Calculation of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to identify the most valuable customers (ticket sales + extras).
  4. Data Enrichment: Integration of external data to improve local location information at district and province level.
  5. Integration of offline data with online data (data integration in GA4 for audience creation).
  6. Simplified management: and activation of audiences in campaigns through email marketing tools.
  7. Reports and Reports: use of daily reports to monitor new customers, new contacts in the system and online sales.
  8. Training: Training for administrators and database managers for their maintenance, as well as for end users (commercial network and communication department).
  9. Automation: daily import of customers + automatic calculations based on customer history + enrich with external data from duplicate users to keep the database clean and up to date.


Clorian integration with Pipedrive by Imanta
Clorian integration with Pipedrive by Imanta

04 Alternatives

There are some alternatives to Clorian, among which we highlight:

1. Eventbrite: Popular platform to create, promote and sell tickets for events of any kind.

2. Ticketmaster: One of the world’s leading ticketing services, ideal for large events and shows.

3. StubHub: Specialized in ticket resale, it allows users to buy and sell event tickets.

4. Universe: Offers tools to create events and manage ticket sales, with an easy-to-use interface.

05 Contact for more information

If you would like more information on how we can help you with your Pipedrive implementation or integration, please contact us:

06Whychoose Imanta to implement and integrate Pipedrive?

We are from Sales

We like selling, not technology. We know what we want. We have the same problems and speak the same language as the sales teams.

Experts in CRMs

We have used and sold Salesfroce, Hubspot, Soho, Microsoft Dynamics, Insightly. What we value about Pipedrive is the simplicity, the potential and the costs.

Experts in the Process

Our golden rule is to invest 90% of the resources in the process and people. And 10% in technology. Success is in the adoption by the sales team.

Data Experts

Not creating silos of sales data allows you to access and activate information in real time. Selling is about being in the right place at the right time.

Integration Experts

Sales teams that integrate productivity apps and marketing data sell (1.5%) more and faster (12%). On average there are 4 apps connected to Pipedrive.

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