What’s new at Pipedrive in 2022

Pipedrive always surprises us with more and better products so that you have the possibility to close your sales process and improve your working hours making them more effective. That's why we want to tell you about the main new features that Pipedrive brings us in 2022.

Smart Docs, the strategic ally to centralize your documents

Smart Docs is the Pipedrive feature that allows you to keep all documentation of your processes and your team’s processes in one place with the ability to always autocomplete those documents with Pipedrive data as easy as a click of a button.

What can you do with SmartDocs? You can create templates to be filled in by your team with the necessary data for your proposals and contracts, create quotes and share them with your clients, create and edit contracts, request electronic signatures from your clients and track the opening of documents in real time among many other benefits.

Who is it available for? If you have a Professional or Corporate plan, SmartDocs is free and is part of your subscription. If you have Basic and Advanced plans, you can add it as an add-on to your monthly plan.

More and better customers with Prospector through Web Visitors

The function of Web Visitors is perfect if you want to see who is visiting your website, where they are visiting from and how they are interacting with the content on your website.

What is Prospector? It is part of the LeadBooster add-on that helps you to reveal your prospects’ information from a verified database of more than 400 million profiles and 10 million companies collected from high quality public and private sources.

Why link it to Prospector? With Prospector’s credits you will be able to see the data of these visitors, among which you will be able to reveal their email, phone and even their social media.

How do I get Prospector? All you have to do is add LeadBooster to your account, when you do so you are credited with 10 Prospector credits to get new leads each month at no additional cost. If you have an annual subscription your Prospector lead credits are added to your account monthly at the beginning of the billing cycle and also expire on the day of the monthly allocation.


Languages are on the rise!

Pipedrive has added two new languages to its catalog: Indonesian and Latvian . With these two languages, it completes a catalog of 20 languages, amazing isn’t it?

Improve your times with stock search

Yes! It is now possible to have a precise record of all the actions you carry out with each of the deals you have at each of their stages with the action calendarHowever, sometimes when you have a lot of closings and contacts or you have a wide variety of actions it is difficult to find just the one you are looking for, that is why Pipedrive has now launched the actions search.

What is the stock finder for? It allows you to quickly and easily find your deal actions such as calls or notes in the global search bar.

Administrators have the ability to search their own and other users’ shares while a standard user will be able to view their own shares.

Still not using Pipedrive and want to improve your sales process? Try it now!

If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this Pipedrive promo code when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.
