Improve the management of your products with the Products function.
Pipedrive’s Products feature allows you to generate a list of your products as well as help you with product management, from quantities to more complex issues such as price variations or product lifetimes.
This feature is available for all Pipedrive plans so no matter which one you have, you can always have much more visibility and order of the products you offer, your revenue and your goals.
Create your first products
Access “Products” from the left sidebar of Pipedrive, then click on “+ Product” at the top.
Don’t forget that the Product Name and Unit Price fields are always mandatory. After you save your product you will have the possibility to edit additional fields such as category or description either in the detail view or in the Product list view.
Remember that you can add custom fields within each product information or you can also create new categories by typing the category name in the search box and then clicking on “Add new category”.
Check your products in detail
In order to review the list of all your products you must access the Products list view by clicking on the “Products” section in the left bar of Pipedrive.
In this view you can filter your products alphabetically, create custom filters or make modifications to them.
If you wish:
Edit products in group. Select the products by activating the checkboxes > select the field to edit in the “Group edit” panel.
Delete products. Select the products by checking the checkboxes > click on the “Trash” icon. It is important to note that only administrator users can delete products.
If you wish to review a specific product or edit it, just click on the product and you will be directed to the product detail page.
Edit your product’s retail
Click on the pencil icon in the details window of the specific product you wish to modify.
1. Change the order of the fields
Click on the “Custom Fields” button > click and drag the two-bar icon to the place where you want to move it.
2. Add Custom Fields.
Click on Customize fields > Add new field.
3. Add followers and participants
Click on the “+” symbol either in the participants or followers block to add the users you wish to do this action.
If you wish to follow the product click on the “Start following” button.
4. Modify prices
It is possible to have several prices listed at the same time and these are shown in the “Prices” tab.
To modify them simply hover your mouse over the price you want and click on the pencil icon to edit or on the trash can to delete.
If you wish to add a new price, click on “Add price”.
5.Upload files
In the “Files” tab you can upload the files you want from your device.
6. Check which deals/businesses are related to your products.
In the “Business” tab you will be able to access and review the deals currently associated with that product.
In this section you can perform different actions. You can adjust the columns as you want them to be displayed with the gear icon at the top right or export the displayed list by clicking on the “Export” button.
Improve the way you manage your stock with Pipedrive
If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this Pipedrive promo code when you create your account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.