Pipedrive Stock Calendar

Pipedrive understands that your time is money and therefore this great planning feature will help you get great results with your commercial actions and increase the productivity of your team.

Calendar of actions

The Action Calendar is the Pipedrive feature that allows you to schedule each of the daily activities that you must carry out according to the deals and negotiations that you are carrying out, in order to have an optimal organization of your daily work, avoid rework and improve your performance and that of your team.

With this function you can:

1. Visualize in a simple way the actions that make up your day and week.
With the overview of your activity planning you have the following possibilities:

  • Have a checklist of tasks
  • View your activities on a calendar defining day and time
  • Synchronizing your calendars: Google, Microsoft Outlook, Office 365 and Exchange
  • Associate your actions with the meetings you select to follow up on a proposal or negotiation.
  • View a complete summary of your day and even the entire week.


Effectively manage your time
By having your actions defined by day, week or month, you have the complete freedom to better organize your days, plan your actions, meetings and be much more efficient in the use of your time or that of your collaborators.

In addition to having access to your calendar, you can consult the calendars of your team members to be able to assign actions to any of them or find spaces to meet with them without restricting their time or work already planned.

3. Schedule all your meetings in advance
With the Scheduler function you can define the times for meetings and schedule them with the contacts you want, with a single click you can:

  • Define your time availability for your team or customers
  • Allow your customer to select the best schedule that matches both availabilities
  • Eliminate overlapping meetings
  • Automatically create video calls in Zoom, Microsoft Teams or Google Meet

Remember that from the Calendar you will be able to modify your actions: add, change, edit or delete as well as see your colleagues’ calendars and be able to work better as a team.

How do I access the Calendar View?

To access click on Actions > Calendar, you can always find it on the left side of Add action.


Adding actions is very simple, click on “Add action” or directly on the time or day you wish to schedule the action. After that you only have to fill in the quick add form. Remember that these forms schedule the basic actions without linking them to the deals, for this you must use the “Add action” button that you will find at the top or also by clicking on the “Details…” button directly on the quick add form that you have already created previously.


If you want to edit an action you can do any of the following options:

  1. Click on the action block you have created and edit it.
  2. If you are changing the time you can simply drag it to the new time or date.

Remember that in the upper right corner you can navigate between the different calendars, the arrows will help you move between dates, however you can do it with the down arrow to find an exact day or go directly to today with the “Today” button.


Always keep in mind that you can view other users’ calendars if and only if you have visibility over their actions and they have granted you permissions. This can be done in the same way at the top right in the “Filter” drop-down button > Select the user’s actions.

I have several calendars, how can I synchronize them?

The first thing to note is that this action synchronizes actions that are owned by the same user.

Let’s get started! In Pipedrive you can sync your favorite calendar account no matter if it is Google, Outlook, Exchange or Office. Doing so is very simple, just go to Personal Preferences > Calendar Sync > Add New Account.

Remember to have at hand the access data of your calendar account to synchronize since it will ask you for the address and accesses of the same.


Once your email has been synchronized, you have the ability to select how you want Pipedrive and that calendar to relate. There are two options:

1. Bilateral synchronization
With this selection, the actions you create in Pipedrive will be automatically synchronized with the calendar you have linked, so the changes affect both calendars.

2. One-sided synchronization
In this selection the actions created in Pipedrive are synchronized in the linked calendar, but if you create events in that linked calendar, no actions will be created in Pipedrive.

Remember that for another user, administrator or normal, to have visibility of your action, they need visibility for all elements linked to actions.

Improve the way you plan your daily activities with Pipedrive

If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this Pipedrive promo code when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.