Grow your business with Pipedrive
If you are already a Pipedrive user you will probably have received a notification at the end of 2021 about the movements in Pipedrive plans, but don’t worry! Everything is planned so that you can enjoy more and better benefits as your business grows.
Now what if your plan has changed and you think it is not 100% adapted to your needs? This is a clear sign that your business is growing and you need to move to the next level and upgrade your plan. However, if your budget is not yet at this level, you can review your account and clean up unclosed opportunities, unused custom fields or old reports to allow you to have more space in your account to continue working and maintain your current plan.
You can rest assured that Pipedrive will not remove features, will not remove any of your existing closures, custom fields or reports in case they exceed the new limits. However, you will not be able to add new ones after 60 days after receiving the notification. So, ideally, find the plan that best suits the amount of deals you generate. Remember, this is not a negative change at all, it’s just a sign that your business is expanding.
Which functionalities have changed in the plan?
- Products and Single sing-on (SSO) will move from Basic to Corporate.
- Shceduler and Group Mailing will go from Advanced to Corporate. New feature added to Advanced: email scheduling.
- Smart Docs, Deal Forecasting and Contacts Timeline ranging from Professional and Corporate. New feature added to Professional: Time Delay Automations.
- Security Center, including the security dashboard, alerts and rules, will be moved to the Corporate plan.
The handling or management of boundaries in plans is also modified:
Basic Plan: 15 reports per user, 30 custom fields in the company account and 3,000 open deals per full company account.
Advanced Plan: 30 reports per user, 100 custom fields in the company account and 10,000 open deals per full company account.
Professional Plan: 150 reports per user, 1,000 custom fields in the company account and 100,000 open deals per full company account.
Corporate Plan: Reports per user, custom fields in the company account and unlimited open deals per full company account.

Need help finding your plan or advice with this repackaging? We are happy to help!
If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this promotional code when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link.
You can also contact us to help you choose or accelerate the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.