Pipedrive Contacts

Managing your contacts in Pipedrive is simple and very useful as you can divide them according to People or Companies and you can include all the relevant information to have efficient contacts always!

Your contacts are the fundamental part of a sales company and it is of vital importance to have them at hand, classified and very well organized in order to have efficient communications with them.

With Pipedrive contacts, all actions that are associated with each contact are automatically tracked on the contact’s detail view page keeping you always aware of every interaction.

Do you need additional fields for your contacts? Do you want to add information such as job title? Yes you can, within each contact you will be able to include information relevant to your interaction with them from their address to much more specific data using the custom fields.

When you add a contact to Pipedrive you can select between two key options to be able to have a better order of them:


These are the specific customers or people with whom you make a sale from the Pipedrive platform.

The key information for these are email and phone number, they may or may not belong to a Company and may have multiple deals open at the same time.


This contact can act as a “collection” of data you already have in Pipedrive, as it can include data from contacts of several People .

Companies, therefore,are the companies per se and contain data such as e-mails or information on the industry or line of business.

Just like Individuals, Companies can be related to other companies and have the possibility of having multiple deals open at the same time.


How to add contacts to Pipedrive?

It is very simple! You can do it through three options:

1. Importing your contacts from a spreadsheet

Admin Users have the ability to import a list of contacts from an XLS, XLSX and CSV spreadsheet.

You can review all the steps to do this process here.

2. Synchronizing Pipedrive with your contacts

You can synchronize directly with yourGoogle, iCloud or Microsoft contacts, the best thing about this is that if you activate the bilateral synchronization any update that is made in your contacts is reflected in Pipepdrive and vice versa, incredible right?

To do this, go to Settings > Personal Preferences > Contact Synchronization. Now type in the email address that will be synced with Pipedrive and click “Add new account” .


In this process you have the possibility to choose the group of contacts to synchronize, the address where the synchronization will work and the visibility of the synchronization in Pipedrive.


Synchronize group: This selection allows you to choose the specific groups from the contact list to synchronize with Pipedrive. If you want to keep specific groups out of the synchronization, the best recommendation is to organize them first in your contact list and then synchronize.

Synchronization direction: Determines how Pipedrive will manage the data:

  • Unilaterally. Contacts created, updated or deleted from your contact list are modified in Pipedrive but if this is done in Pipedrive it will not affect the base contact list with which it is connected.
  • Bilaterally. Contacts created, updated or deleted from your contact list are updated in Pipedrive and vice versa, changes in Pipedrive will impact the synchronized contact list.

3. Adding contacts manually

Contacts can be added to your account from different actions:

A. In the dialog box you will find the option “Add deal”, remember that when you create a deal you are always creating a new contact.


B. In the “List View” of the “People or Companies” tab you can create your contact manually and individually.

When creating a Person, you can create a new Company or associate it directly to an existing Company.


C. In the “Details View” of a specific Organization you can add the Person contact which will be automatically associated with the Company/Organization you have open at that moment.


Ready to better organize your contacts and streamline your communications? Try Pipedrive now!

If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this promotional code in Pipedrive when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.