With Pipedrive Caller you have the ability to call your contacts from Pipedrive and automatically link them to customer interaction information, record conversations and even take notes of what was seen in the conversations.
What are the benefits of Caller?
1.- Make all calls to your customers without leaving Pipedrive.
You can call all your contacts directly from Pipedrive, which not only unifies the location of your communications, but also reduces your work time by jumping between products and applications. It’s as simple as plugging in your phone number and clicking on the contact you want to call. As an added bonus, while you talk you can record and take notes for later review.
2.- Record and store your calls for future actions and/or revisions.
You can use stored call recordings to verify elements or details that are of value to you whenever you need them in order to recognize key points and better close your sales through efficient communication.
3.- Your calls are automatically registered as completed actions or activities.
This allows you to keep track of when, what and how your last contact with your customer was by email, phone or in person.
4.- Fast and easy recharging
You can top up call credits in one click, in addition to get free credit every month with your Professional or Corporate plan.
The Caller feature is available for Pipedrive’s Professional and Corporate plans. It is important to note that it is not compatible with Safari so we recommend that you use browsers such as Chrome or Firefox for a better service and experience.
How to configure the call manager?
To configure the Caller go to Tools and applications > Caller. Now configure the call settings either from:
- Company: Refers to the credits and settings of your Pipedrive company account.
- Users: Enable permissions for your company’s users.
- Personal: Set up personal calls and connect your personal number with Pipedrive.
How to see the numbers you have connected?
Caller connects to a mobile or landline phone number of your choice. This is the number that the receiver of the call will also see. Therefore, in terms of operation, it acts as a normal telephone.
To make this connection click on “Connect your number to Caller” and enter the country prefix plus your number and select “Receive a validation call”. When you answer this call your application will show you a verification code that you will have to dial on your phone and the process will be completed when a success message appears on your web application.
What is the cost of call credits in Caller?
To check the credits you have, you must access Caller’s credit section, where you can also purchase new credits.
Professional and Corporate subscribers receive 4USD in additional credit per user per month as part of their subscription and it expires on a monthly basis. It is important to note that the term “additional balance” is the credit you receive with your plan and “purchased balance” is the balance you have acquired through a purchase and does not expire, it is kept until it is used.
How to record your calls?
Your calls can be played or downloaded from the contact details view and there is no storage limit or expiration date for these recordings.
It is important that when selecting the call recording you also select any of the following options to have a better control of the recording:
- Force call recording for all users
- Giving users the option to download call recordings
How to view your registered calls?
The call is automatically saved as an action in the contact as “completed”.
If you access the contact detail page you can find the call recordings and download them as an audio file.
It is important that call downloading is enabled by the administrator by going to Settings > Tools and applications > Caller > Company > Call recording.
What is the call process like?
To initiate a call , click on the telephone number of the contact you wish to reach either in the list or detail view.
This will open a window where you define country code, phone number, call method and call from. This last option only applies in case you have more than one phone number connected to your Pipedrive account.
The call method allows you to select between calling directly from the Pipedrive app or from your cell phone.
Once everything is ready, just click on “Start call”. Once connected, the “Take notes” option will be displayed.
At the end of your call Pipedrive will prompt you to select a list of call results and how you wish to record the call.
Manage your calls better and never miss a detail again with Pipedrive
If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this Pipedrive promo code when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.