Importing data with a spreadsheet

With this small guide you will be able to export your data from a spreadsheet to Pipedrive in order to have more control of your data and better data visibility.

If you have your databases in XLS, XLSX or CSV, you canadd them to Pipedrive as Leads, Deals, Organizations, People, Products, Notes and Actions in one step!

Data import is available for administrators and for normal users only with enabled permissions.

First, prepare your data for import

Define the type of data to import to Pipedrive. Remember that it is important to format your spreadsheet correctly.

Some data structures that you can import are:

  • Contact lists
  • Contacts and their respective active deals
  • Contacts, their active dealings and their actions
  • Contacts, active deals, actions and notes

Tips to make your spreadsheet formatting perfect for importing

Watch out for formulas! It is necessary that for your import to be successful, you do not leave any of the formulas you use. Pipedrive recommends that you copy the data into another spreadsheet and paste it into a new sheet (which will be the one you will import) without the formulas.

Single tab spreadsheet. It is important that your spreadsheet only has a single tab with data when importing. If you have multiple tabs, split them into individual files so that you can import them one at a time.

Eliminates special characters. Your spreadsheet should not contain numeric or currency field symbols such as the “$” symbol.

Be careful with the size of your spreadsheet. The maximum size for importing your file is 50MB with a maximum of 50,000 columns within your sheet.

If you are not sure about your data structure vs Pipedrive’s data structure, you can start with a sample template to find the way that suits you best to get started.You can download some sample spreadsheet templates provided by Pipedrive here.

Mandatory and custom fields

Required fields

Pipedrive asks you for some mandatory fields for each element at the time of import so that the import is done correctly.

Each of these should be in a separate column in your spreadsheet and will be mapped individually in the Pipedrive field.

Be very careful with these fields! If you do not import the data with the required fields correctly, the items you have created will not be created and a skip file will be generated that includes the row where the error occurred and the reason so you can download it and review the errors to re-upload or import it.

The mandatory fields you need to import are:

  • Prospects: Prospect title and name of contact person or organization.
  • Deals: Any deal field, name of the contact/organization and preferably also the title or name of the deal.
  • Persons: Name of the person with their respective contact information.
  • Organization: Name of the organization with its respective contact information and address.
  • Products: Product name.
  • Notes: Content and information on deals, contacts or prospects.
  • Actions: Field delimiting any actions taken with that deal/contact.

Custom fields

These fields are perfect if you have additional information about your prospects, deals and contacts. In this situation what you should do is add the field you require as a “Custom Field” before importing your data so that it is mapped correctly.

To make the mapping more efficient, Pipedrive recommends that it be a custom field of type text or simple option.

The time has come! Start importing

Upload the file

Select “…” (More)> Import data > From spreadsheet.
Click on Load file and select your XLS, XLSX or CSV file.



2. Map the data

Map each column to the relevant icons and fields during the process by hovering your mouse over the icon to see the type of data Pipedrive is requesting.

There is an “Auto Recognition” function, which will help you to automatically recognize the header columns of your spreadsheet. In case they are not done properly you will have todo it manually by dragging the fields on the right to the columnswhere they are required.


3. Add custom fields

If you need to create a “Custom Field” click on the “+Add Custom Fields” button at the bottom of the field list.


4. Review your items and import

Once you have uploaded your file, mapped it and added custom fields if required, you will see a screen where you can check that the data is correct, that there are no duplicate fields and you can see how it will look like after the import is finished.

Once you have confirmed this screen, click on “Start import” and that’s it, your data is ready for you to use.


Was there a mistake? Reverse export

If you notice that it is not quite right or there are details you want to modify, you can revert the import up to 48 hours after import by clicking on the “Revert” button in the “Import History”.

Remember thatonly administrator users can revert an import.


Learn what Pipedrive can do to improve your sales process now!

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