How to use Smart Docs?

A small manual on how to use Smart Docs in a smarter way.

First time using Smart Docs? It’s easy


In the “Documents” section you will find a guided tour of the tool. A short video will teach you a little more about what you can do in a simple and quick way. If you don’t want to watch it at first, you can watch it later by clicking on “Learn more“.


How do I create and share templates?

Start by going to the Documents > Templates tab in the detailed view of a deal and click on Document, Spreadsheet or Presentation.

You can also import a template if you already have one saved. Remember that you can control which Pipedrive functions have permission to create or add new templates.


Once you are in the template editor, you have the ability to modify the name of your new template, its category, contacts, products you offer and other fields that are useful for the use of this template.

To add these fields is as simple as copying and pasting from the right side of your editor into the body of the template. You will see it in square brackets “<>” in the template and it will be automatically replaced with the offer data when you use it in a document.

It is important to note that for the moment, the creation of templates and documents with a spreadsheet or presentation is only available to Google Drive users.


Product fields work only within a product table. To add it, first copy and paste it directly into the body of your template. Don’t forget that your default products will be automatically filled in , however you have the possibility to edit them as needed.


That’s it! You now have your template, you can click “Close” if you just want to save it or “Use to create document” if you are ready to use it in a document right now.

Share the template with your team!

Open to edit your template and click on the“Permissions” tab. In this section you can find two options:

  1. You can use this template. You can view and use the template, but you cannot edit or delete it.
  2. You can edit this template. You can view, use, edit and delete the original template.

Pipedrive recommends that all your documents and templates are on a shared drive with your team so that only people with access to them can use and view them correctly. This can be done in the Smart Docs settings.


How do I create a document?

Start by clicking on the“Documents” tab in the detailed view of the deal. Three options will appear:

  1. Create a document from a template.
  2. Create from scratch with: document, spreadsheet or presentation. From your Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Sharepoint account.
  3. Import from the computer.

From an existing template you must click on “From template” and select the template to use.

If we select start from scratch, we will open our file and we will see some data preloaded and the first one is the title. There must be a Pipedrive field within a title before other settings are saved. It is important that you always use the default list items or “Pipedrive Fields” that are shown on the right side of your screen.


For the body of the document you can write your text or copy and paste from an existing text. After making edits you can add any Pipedrive fields you need to use.

Here comes the magic, all the fields populated with your deal data will appear if they are available in the deal. This includes any custom fields attached to a deal.

To help you even more, only the fields that are available in your offer will be displayed, so you don’t have to worry about adding fields accidentally.

We recommend that you always categorize each of your documents in order to have a better and better order.


How do I track a document?

You have the option to track your document and set up email notifications when you share the link to your document .


By enabling “Track Views“, you can select the option to receive an e-mail notification when the document is opened for the first time, every time or never.

Once a link is generated, you will see it saved as a version in the section and this version of the document can no longer be updated, you will have to create a new version.


How do I request an electronic signature on my document?

First things first, upload your document with the Smart Docs feature on the deal details page and request the signature by one of these two ways:

1.By means of the document editor


2. In the detail view


Requesting a signature creates another version of the document.

Once requested, Pipedrive will ask you to review your document and manage your signatories. You and the contact will automatically appear as signatories. If you want to add or remove people, you can do it manually, leaving a maximum of 10 people per document.


Finally click on “Request signatures” and you are done, your signatories will receive your request with signing instructions and you will receive an email notification each time someone signs or refuses to sign. On your contract details page you will be able to see the signature status of the document whenever you need it.

If you click on the status you will be able to confirm the signers’ data, how many times the document has been viewed and the status of the signatures:

  1. Denied. Sorry, your client does not want to sign, here it is time to contact him, understand his need and you can resend the request.
  2. On hold. We have not heard back from them yet, please follow up! Remind your client that there is a document waiting for review and signature.
  3. Signed. We close the deal!

As we can see in the status of the signatures, you can perform different actions in this same panel:

  • Resend invitation.
  • Send reminder.
  • Send signed PDF.
  • Cancel signature.

Once the entire document is signed, a PDF copy of the signed document and an audit trail are automatically sent to all signatories and you.

How do I remove the Pipedrive watermark from my files?

It’s extra simple! Go to Tools & Apps > Smart Docs > Company Settings > Remove the Pipedrive logo.

This action can only be performed by the Account Administrator.


Don’t forget it! This action also removes the logo from the emails sent during the signature process: request, reminder, signature status, cancellation and authentication code for signatures.

Want to learn more about what Pipedrive and Smart Docs can do for your business?

If you want to try Pipedrive 30 days free of chargeenter this promotional code when you create the account: pdp-vilarroig. And to create the account, follow this link. You can also contact us to help you in choosing or accelerating the use of Pipedrive if you are already using it.
