Hippo Video and Klenty integration

In sales we know that customer introductions are effective and have a big impact on closing sales, so the key is to reach as many companies as possible at that point in the sales funnel. So the key is to get as many companies as possible to that point in the sales funnel, and this integration will help you increase the response to your sales messages.

Integrations are a fact, they exist and are becoming easier to implement. Technology is standardizing and making our lives easier.

What is really important is to know what each integration brings us. For this reason, we would like to go a little deeper into the advantages of this integration.

Humanization of content: more sales

Thanks to the union of these leading platforms, sales teams can embed audiovisual content with a high level of humanization and personalization, which we call Hyperpersonalization.

There are many such strategies, such as:

  • Add calls to action that clearly guide the customer on what to do.
  • – Include a video description of a product or service.
  • – Embed videos in sales landing pages to generate greater attraction.

Personalized sales engagement

Let’s talk a little more about hyper-personalization, and that is, prospects who have the opportunity to watch a model of a product in a video is a the opportunity to watch a model of a product in a video is 74%. 74 % more likely to buy.

This is why sales pages will no longer be like any other, you will stand out from the crowd and deliver valuable content with lots of details that your leads will appreciate. leads Qualified:
– Company logo
– Brand colors that match the website
– Contact information

Best of all, everything will be done on an intuitive basis that optimizes the perception of your brand in front of prospects.

Some of the actions that achieve this are:

  • – Personalization of the content The content is personalized with the name of the person receiving the message, the name of the company or the contact;
  • – Add selected video content, documents and on-page links to enhance and nurture prospects at any stage of the funnel.

You will be surprised to know that by doing this you will have a 64% higher chance of closing a sale.

3. Drives sales engagement

Being seen and generating increased trust from potential customers with video prospecting emails is now a reality for Klenty users after all, by leveraging this new feature, they are able to boost their response rate by 300%.

This is thanks to the fact that now the sales reps can easily create and manage videos that they can incorporate into their sales strategies and even their prospecting emails.

By standing out in the emails received from your potential customers, this will increase by 65%. 65% click-through rate.

4. Improved sales commitment

Using Klenty’s new features with Hippo Video integration, you will no longer miss qualified leads; follow up at the right time and close deals 40% faster. close deals 40% faster.

With the correct use of this new feature, we will now be able to improve the metrics of the content by observing its activity and the interaction that prospects have had with it.

In parallel, we will be able to receive important notifications in real time, including:

  • the moment a person watched a video;
  • we will see the metric of how long it was viewed;
  • when they reacted and how they reacted.

What is the value of Hippo Video to Klenty?

Enjoying these features integrated to Klenty has a monthly cost of

  • Sales pro: USD .
  • Sales Growth. USD .
  • Sales Enterprise.

You know what the best part is? There is also a free version that allows us to take advantage of a large number of functionalities.

This way, before you take the leap and invest, you can test the product extensively and, once your sales numbers increase, you look for the package that best suits your needs.

Enjoying these features integrated to Klenty has a monthly cost of

  • Sales pro: USD .
  • Sales Growth: USD .
  • Sales Enterprise: USD .

Try Hippo Video for free!

If you want to try Hippo Video free of charge, you only have to contact us. And if you want a personalized Demo, click on the image.