Imanta Blog

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Category: Pipedrive

Products in Pipedrive

The Products function allows you to generate your stock of products with relevant data such as code, category, price and even taxes. Find out how to configure it in your account here.

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Sales Assistant

Pipedrive’s AI-powered Sales Assistant offers you personalized advice as well as the features and integrations that will help you see a substantial improvement in your sales process.

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Privacy and security

With Pipedrive you can rest assured that your information, data, contacts and deals that are 100% confidential will always be safe.

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Pipedrive sales funnel

Pipedrive has a simple, dynamic and attractive sales funnel. So far nothing new, but if I tell you that it is completely adaptable to your sales process, that’s something else. If we add to this the scalability, we are gaining points, because as your business grows, you can get a better and much clearer view of the position of your current and potential customers in your sales process.

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