Imanta Blog

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Category: Pipedrive

Do you know what a CRM is and how it can benefit you?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool that allows you to manage the relationship with your current customers and prospects in a simple way, in the different moments of the sales flow. So simple and yet so complex. It is still a software that can make our sales process more efficient. Because let’s not forget that sales is about relationships, communication and empathy, not just data.

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Pipedrive Caller

Get to know one of Pipedrive’s functions with which you can make calls from your application among other actions and that will allow you to save time and achieve your goals.

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What’s new at Pipedrive in 2022

Pipedrive always surprises us with more and better products so that you have the possibility to close your sales process and improve your working hours making them more effective. That’s why we want to tell you about the main new features that Pipedrive brings us in 2022.

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What is Pipedrive?

Founded in 2010, Pipedrive is an agile, simple and highly visual CRM created by sales reps for sales reps and aimed at small and medium-sized companies. This peculiarity compared to its competitors, coupled with the urgent need to digitize the sales process and a series of investment rounds, has made Pipedrive a very interesting solution for this market segment.

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Pipedrive highlights in 2021

Pipedrive never ceases to amaze you with its continuous improvements and the last year has been no exception. Here is a summary of the best of Pipedrive over the past year.

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Improve your e-mail management

Pipedrive aims to provide you with a time-saving email that allows you to follow up on valuable customer conversations by allowing you to connect your emails directly to your deals. With this you get a bird’s eye view of your customer’s events, improving your productivity, communications and timelines.

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Schedule of contacts

It allows you to have a visual representation of the history of your actions with each of your customers, so you will never lose sight of what you have done and the actions you must take to have a successful business closing.

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