Imanta Blog

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Category: Pipedrive

Pipedrive-Zendesk integration

This Pipedrive – Zendesk integration gives your salespeople and customer service a complete picture of the information they need to communicate effectively with their customers.

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Pipedrive Planner

This Pipedrive feature is perfect if you want to streamline customer contact. The Pipedrive Scheduler is your best ally when it comes to keeping in touch with your customers at the right time.

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Leads in Pipedrive

Pipedrive leads are all those people who are interested in your business and are also known as potential customers. Discover why a lead is important, a lead base and how Pipedrive helps you manage them.

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Do you know what a CRM is and how it can benefit you?

A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a tool that allows you to manage the relationship with your current customers and prospects in a simple way, in the different moments of the sales flow. So simple and yet so complex. It is still a software that can make our sales process more efficient. Because let’s not forget that sales is about relationships, communication and empathy, not just data.

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